Literatur P-Q

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
PachQiu, Correas, Navarro & Veiga (2018). Influence of the new regulated device (OMEGA OSB12) on the kinematic variables of the competitive backstroke start. World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport XII, S.428 M. (1990). Empirische Untersuchung zur Abgrenzung verschiedener Kraftausdauerfähigkeiten. Diss, München 1990 Pacholak, Hochstein, Rudert & Brücker (2014). Unsteady flow phenomena in human undulatory ...

Literatur K

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Kabanov, Venskovich, Trushchenko & Koloshkina (2019). Sensitive periods in human ontogenesis. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture 12/2019,13-15 (online Version) Kainz, Carty, Modenese, Boyd & Lloyd (2015). Estimation of the hip joint centre in human motion analysis: A systematic review. Clinical Biomechanics (30)4, 319-329 Kaland, C. (2019). Nedsatt total treningsmengde, men opprettholdt mengde høyintensiv aerob ...

Literatur L

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Laakso, L. A. (2020). Critical evaluation of the physiological adaptations to repeated-sprint training: implications for training recommendations and repeated-sprint ability of well-trained field-based team-sport athletes. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning (28)4, 75-81 Laaksonen, Lodin-Sundström, Engan, Lundgren & Schagatay (2010). Effects of hand chilling on manual dexterity and shooting performance in biathletes. Book of Abstracts. ...

Literatur D

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Daaloul, Souissi & Davenne (2019). Effects of napping on alertness, cognitive, and physical outcomes of karate athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (51)2, 338-345 Daland, P. (  ).  Distance base: key to every event. Swimming world, Dalichau & Scheele (2001). The influence of competitive swimming on spinal configuration and postural capacity. Book of ...

Literatur N

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Nachtigahl, A. (2001). Spiroergometrie im Schwimmkanal: Vergleich metabolisch-kardiopulmonaler und technisch-koordinativer Kenngrößen zwischen den Hilfsmitteln Paddles, Pull-Buoy und der ganzen Lage. Uni Hamburg, Diss. Nadobnik, J. & Wiazewicz, A. (2021). Strength abilities in sports swimming: a systematic review.  Acta Kinesiologica, 15 (2), 22-41. Zugriff am 22.11.222 unter Naef, Stoll & Widmer (2001). Integration ehemaliger Spitzensportler ...

Literatur A

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Aagaard, P. (2003). Training-induced changes in neural function. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews (31)2, 61-67 Aaken, E. van (1971). Das Waldnieler Ausdauertraining. Leistungssport 1(1971)2, S. 12-18 Abbas & Azeez (2022). The effect of a psychological approach on Serotonin and Cortisol hormones for young volleyball players. Journal of Optoelectronics Laser (41)5, 360-367 Abbes, Haddad, Bibi, Mujika, ...

Literatur H

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Haar, B. (2011). Analyse und Prognose von Trainingswirkungen: multivariate Zeitreihenanalyse mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen. Diss. Uni-Stuttgart Hacker, W. (2005). Allgemeine Arbeitspsychologie. Psychische Regulation von Wissens-, Denk- und körperlicher Arbeit (2. Aufl.), Hans Huber-Bern Hacker & Richter (1984). Psychische Fehlbeanspruchung: Psychische Ermüdung, Monotonie, Sättigung und Stress (Spezielle Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie in Einzeldarstellungen, Bd. 2, Berlin: Springer ...

Literatur R

24. März 2024 Literatur 0
Ra, Miyazaki, Kojima, Komine, Ishikura, Kawanaka, Honda, Matsuzaki & Ohmori (2018). Effect of BCAA supplement timing on exercise-induced muscle soreness and damage: A pilot placebo-controlled double-blind study. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (58)11, 1582-1591 Racinais, Gaoua, Mtibaa, Whiteley, Hautier & Alhammoud (2017). Effect of cold on proprioception and kognitive function in elite ...

Literatur C

24. März 2024 Literatur 0
Caen et al. (2021). Ramp vs. step tests: valid alternatives to determine the maximal lactate steady-state intensity? European Journal of Applied Physiology (12197, 1899-1917 Caeppert, Franciosi & Langerhans (1992). Indirect calculation of mechanical and propelling efficiency during freestyle swimming. In: MacLaern, Reilly, Lees eds.: Swimming science VI: Biomechanics and medicine in swimming. London, 53-56 Cai, ...