Literatur F

26. Januar 2024 Literatur 0
Faigenbaum, Kraemer, Blimkie, Jeffreys, Micheli, Nitka & Rowland (2009). Youth resistance training: Updated position statement paper from the national strength and conditioning association. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Aug; 23(5 Suppl): S60-79 Fairchild, Armstrong, Rao, Liu, Lawrence & Fournier (2003). Glycogen synthesis in muscle fibres during active recovery from intense exercise. Medicine & Science in ...

Literatur G

26. Januar 2024 Literatur 0
Gabbett, T. J. (2020). How much? How fast? How soon? Three simple concepts for progressing training loads to minimize injury risk and enhance performance. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 50 (10), 570-573. Zugriff am 03.11.2020 unter – Zugriff 22.01.23 Gabler, H. (1972). Leistungsmotivation im Hochleistungssport. Schorndorf: Hofmann Gabler, H. (2002). Motive im ...

Literatur X-Y-Z

26. Januar 2024 Literatur 0
Yamada, Matsuuchi, Nomura, Sakakibara, Shintani & Miwa (2006). Motion analysis of front crawl swimmer’s hands and the visualization of flow fields using PIV. Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming X, (6)2, 111-113 Yamada & Ishii (2018). Differences In eccentric force-velocity characteristics between isotonic and isokinetic contractions. International Journal of Sport & Health Science (16), 128-136 Yamanaka & ...

Literatur M

11. Dezember 2023 Literatur 0
Ma & Wu (2008). The influence of overload training on cyclists T-Lymphocyte subsets, NK% and the effectiveness of controlling changes by electric-acupuncture before competition. 2008 International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport: Proceedings, Vol. III. 157-158 Maasen N. (1999). Der pH-Wert des Blutes bei körperlicher Belastung. Dt. Z. f. Sportmedizin 11/12 (50), 362-367 ...

Literatur I-J

11. Dezember 2023 Literatur 0
Ikai & Fukunaga (1968). Calculation of muscle strength per unit cross-sectional area of human muscle by means of ultrasonic measurement. Int Z Angew Physiol. (26)1,26–32 Ikeda, Ichikawa, Nara, Baba & Shimoyama (2017). Does installation of the backstroke start device reduce 15-m start time in swimming. Journal of Sports Sciences (35)1, 189-195 Imamura et al. (2016). ...

Literatur ST

26. Oktober 2023 Literatur 0
Stadelmann, Stensrud & Carsen (2011). Respiratory symptoms and bronchial responsiveness in competitive Swimmers. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (43)3, 375-381 Staehle (1999), Management, 8. Auflage, München Staff, Solli, Osborne & Sandbakk, (2023). Long-term development of training characteristics and performance-determining factors in elite/international and world-class endurance athletes: a scoping review. Sports Medicine, 53 (8), ...

Literatur E

26. Oktober 2023 Literatur 0
Earp & Kraemer (2010). Medicine ball training implications for rotational power sports. Strength and Conditioning Journal (32)4, 20-25 Ebersole, Stout, Eckerson, Housh, Evetovich & Smith (2001). The effect of pyruvate supplementation on critical power. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, (14)2, 132-134 Eberspächer & Immenroth (1999). Mentales Training – hilft es auch dem modernen ...

Literatur T

17. Juli 2023 Literatur 0
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Literatur SCH

17. Mai 2023 Sch 0
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