Literatur I-J

11. Dezember 2023 Literatur 0

Ikai & Fukunaga (1968). Calculation of muscle strength per unit cross-sectional area of human muscle by means of ultrasonic measurement. Int Z Angew Physiol. (26)1,26–32

Ikeda, Ichikawa, Nara, Baba & Shimoyama (2017). Does installation of the backstroke start device reduce 15-m start time in swimming. Journal of Sports Sciences (35)1, 189-195

Imamura et al. (2016). Effects of Saturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, and Carbohydrate on Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Feeding Trials, PLOS medicine; July 19, 2016 ttp://

Inagaki, Madarame, Neya & Ishii (2011).  Increase in serum growth hormone induced by electrical stimulation of muscle combined with blood flow restrictionN.Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(11):2715-21. doi: 10.1007/s00421-011-1899-y. Epub 2011 Mar 12.

Inbar et al. (1981). Conditioning versus work-in-the-heat as methods for acclimatizing 8-10 year old boys to dry heat. J. Appl. Physiol. Respir. Environ. Exerc. Physiol. 406-411

Inder, Swanney, Donald, Prickett & Hellemans (1998). The effect of glycerol and desmopressin on exercise performance and hydration in triathletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (30)8, 1263-1269

Ingthorsson, R. D. (2015). Is competitive elite sport really morally corrupt? Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research (74)1, 5-14

Invernizzi, Longo, Scurati & Michielon (2010). Evaluation of the kinaesthetic differentiation abilities in male and female swimmers. Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Kongressband 324-325

Israel, S. (1964). Die 17-Ketosteroid-Ausscheidung bei extremer Ausdauerbelastung. Theorie und Praxis des Leistungssports (2)8, 57-66

Israel, S. (1976). Die Bewegungskoordination frühzeitig ausbilden. Körpererziehung, 11(26). 501-505

Israel, Buhl, Weidner & Purkopp (1983). Die positive Kreuzadaptation. Medizin und Sport, 23 (1983), 5 , S. 140-148

Israel, S. (1993). Folgen des Sportentzugs – Erkennung und Behebung. Leistungssport 2 (23), 17-20

Israel, S. (1994). Wechselnde Trainingsreize zur Entwicklung der speziellen Leistungsfähigkeit. Leistungssport 5/1994, 5-8

Israel, S. (2004). Muskelaktivität – eine entwicklungsgeschichtlich begründbare Forderung. Dt.Z. für Sportmedizin, 12/2004,  347-350

Issurin, Lustig & Szopa (2006). Die vererbungsbezogene Bestimmung der Trainierbarkeit von Sportler. Leistungssport 2/2006, 51-54

Issurin & Lustig (2008). Zur Identifikation talentierter Sportler: allgemeine Ansätze und praktische Einsichten. Leistungssport (38)4, 4-7

Issurin & Lustig (2007). Zusammenstellung von Trainingseinheiten gemäß dem Konzept der Blockperiodisierung. Leistungssport 3/2007, 29-35

Issurin, Kaufman, Lustig & Tenenbaum (2008). Factors affecting peak performance in the swimming competition of the Athens Olympic Games. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2008 March;48(1):1-8

Issurin, V. B. (2016). Benefits and limitations of block periodized training approaches to athletes‘ preparation: A Review. Sports Medicine (46)3, 329-338

Issurin, V. B. (2019). Biological background of block periodized endurance training: A review (Biologischer Hintergrund der Blockperiodisierung im Ausdauertraining: Ein Überblick). Sports Medicine, 49 (1), 31-39

Issurin, Kaufman & Tenenbaum (2001). Modeling of velocity regiments for anaerobic and aerobic power exercises in high-performance swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (41)4,433-440

Itamar, Schwartz & Melzer (2013). Postural control: differences between youth judokas and swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (53)5, 483-489

Ito & Okuno (2010). Visualization and motion analysis of swimming. Procedia Engineering (2)2, 2851-2856

Ito, Matsumoto & Daisuke Abe (2008). A difference of blood lactate level in freestyle swimming between S-shaped and I-shaped stroke. 1st International Scientific Conference of Aquatic Space Activities. Kongressband 258-263

Izquierdo-Gabarren, González de Txabarri, Expósito, García-Pallarés, Sánchez-Medina, Sáez de Villarrea & Izquierdo (2009). Concurrent Endurance and Strength Training Not To Failure Optimizes Performance Gains. Medicine& Science in Sports & Exercice, 42(6), 1.

Jacobson & Fawcett (2016). Beta2-agonist doping control and optical isomer challenges. Sports Medicine (46)12, 1787-1795

Jaeggi, R. (2005). Entfremdung: Zur Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Problems. Campus-Frankfurt/Main

Jähnig, Wiegand & Wünsch (1973). Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Technik der Sportschwimmarten. Diss. Uni-Halle-Wittenberg

Jaitner, T. (2011). Onlinemonitoring und Trainingssteuerung beim Gruppentraining im Radsport. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft (18)1, 55-70

Jacob, P. (2014). Technikschule. Zweier- oder Dreieratmung? Heft 20/S. 56 (

Jacob, Keyrouz, Bideau, Nicolas, El Hage, Bideau & Zouhal (2015). Pre-exercise hyperventilation can significantly increase performance in the 50-meter front crawl. Science & Sports (30)3, 173-176

Jaffe, Hewit & Costantini (2018). Effects of post-activation potentiation on athletic performance: A mini-review. COJ Technical & Scientific Research (1)2, 1-3

Jahoda & Mitterbauer (2011). ComplexCore: Rumpfstabilisation in Training und Therapie. Salzburg

Jakemann, Byrne & Eston (2010). Efficacy of lower limb compression and compression treatment of manual massage and lower limb compression on symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage in women? J. Strength Cond. Res., 24(11), 3157-3165, 2010

Jakowlew, N.N. (1977). Sportbiochemie. Leipzig: Barth

Janda, V. (1986). Muskelfunktionsdiagnostik. Berlin: Ullstein

Janoschka, Wolfrum, Knechtle, Rüst, Rosemann & Lepers (2014). The effect of 25 m versus 50 m course length on backstroke performance. An analysis of national and international swimmers. Journal of Athletic Enhancement (3)1

Jansen & Engbersen (2017). Have the Olympic Games become more migratory? A comparative historical perspective. Comparative Migration Studies (5)11,1-15

Janssen, J.P. (2001). Persönlichkeit, Leistung und Schicksal von Olympia-Athleten. In: Kaulitz, P. & Haag, H. (Hrsg.). Olympische Idee, Olympische Bewegung, Olympische Spiele – Dimensionen und Perspektiven (S. 129-150). Kiel: Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaften der Universität.

Janssen, P. (2003). Ausdauertraining. Balingen: Spitta

Janssen, R. (2014). Zum Einfluss verschiedener Dehnmethoden auf die Kraftausdauerleistung. Kovac-Hamburg

Janssens, Staes, Dingenen & Daly (2014). Spectrum analysis of wireless electromyography in water and on dry land: A single case example. The Open Sports Sciences Journal (7)1, 198-202

Jansson, Saartok, Werner & Renström (2005). Evaluation of general joint laxity, shoulder laxity and mobility in competitive swimmers during growth and in normal controls. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2005 Jun;15(3):169-76.

Jay, M. (2018). Eine kurze Geschichte der Entfremdung. Soziopolis vom 5.05.2018 (

Jedamsky, A. (2003). Zeitliche Strukturen des langfristigen Aufbaus im Schwimmen. Vortrag Ausbildung Trainer-A, Köln 2003

Jedow, M. (1996). Flexibility in swimming. 4, 18-25

Jekauc & Kittler (2015). Achtsamkeit im Leistungssport. Leistungssport, 6(45), 19-23.

Jendrusch, Oertzen-Hagemann, Bußmann & Platen (2016). Zur visuellen Leistungsfähigkeit von Spitzensportler(inne)n in Deutschland. Optometrie & Fashion; Deutsche Optikerzeitung (71)2, 42-49

Jeschke, D. (Hrsg.) (1984). Stellenwert der Sportmedizin in Medizin und Wissenschaft. Springer 1984

Jessen, Onslev, Lemminger, Backer, Bangsbo & Hostrup (2018). Hypertrophic effect of inhaled beta2-agonist with and without concurrent exercise training: a randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports:

Jeukendup & Jentjens (2000). Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: Current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Med., 29. 407-424

Jin, Chen & Hee (2017). A cross-cultural study of the sports happiness perception among Korean, Chinese, and Japanese elite swimming athletes.    International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences (29)2, 128-142

Joch, W. (1995). Strukturmodell einer Theorie des sportlichen Trainings. Leistungssport 4/1995, 6-12

Joch, W. (2001). Das sportliche Talent. Aachen: Meyer

Joch, Fricke & Ückert (2002). Der Einfluss von Kälte auf die sportliche Leistung. Leistungssport 2/2002, 11-15

John, Singh Dhillon & Dhillon (2020). Genetics and the elite athlete: Our understanding in 2020.

Johnson, Sharp & Hedrick (1993). Relationship of Swimming Power and Dryland Power to Sprint Freestyle Performance: A Multiple Regression. Approach, J. Swimming Research 9, 1993, 10-14

Johnson, R. (1998). Tech Tips: To finish or not to finish?…That’s the question. American Swimming Magazine (35)2, 26-28

Johnson, R. (2002). The great debate: Overload or underlod?

Joyce, Minahan, Anderson & Osborne (2012). Acute and chronic loading of sodium bicarbonate in highly trained swimmers. European J. of Applied Physiology (112)2, 461-469

Jones, Bishop, Woods & Green (2008). Cross-sectional area and muscular strength: A brief review. Sports Medicine (38)12, 987-994

Jones, N., Kiely, J., Suraci, B., Collins, D., de Lorenzo, D., Pickering, C., Grimaldi, K. (2016). A genetic-based algorithm for personalized resistance training. Biology of Sport (33)2, 117-126

Jones & Doust (1998). The validity of the lactate minimum test for determination of the maximal lactate steady state. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 30 (8) 1998: 1304 1313

Jones, Glintmeyer & McKenzie (2005). Slim bodies, eating disorders and the coach-athlete relationship – A tale of identity creation and disruption. International Review for the Sociology of Sport (40)3, 377-391

Jordan & Linse (2002). Kräftigen und Dehnen. Aachen: Meyer

Jorgic, Okicic, Aleksandrovic & Madic (2010). Influence of basic and specific motor abilities on swimming results. Acta Kinesiologica (4)2, 73-74

Jornitz, S. (2009). Evidenzbasierte Bildungsforschung. Pädagogische Korrespondenz 40, S. 68-75

Joyce, Sabapathy, Bulmer & Minahan (2013). Effect of long-term oral contraceptive use on determinants of endurance performance. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (27)7, 1891-1896

Juan-Recio, López-Vivancos, Moya, Sarabia & Vera-Garcia (2015). Short-term effect of crunch exercise frequency on abdominal muscle endurance. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (55)4, 280-289

Judge, Lee, Petersen, Bellar, Surber & Krill (2014). The impact of Social Media on the awareness of the Olympic movement. The Sport Journal. Zugriff 20.06.20

Jukic, Castilla, Ramos,  Hooren,  McGuigan & Helms (2023). The acute and chronic effects of implementing velocity loss thresholds during resistance training: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and critical evaluation of the literature Sports Medicine, 53 (1), 177-214. Zugriff am 23.01.2023 unter

Jung, Bishop, Al-Nawwas & Dale (2005). Influence of Hydration and Electrolyte Supplementation on Incidence and Time to Onset of Exercise-Associated Muscle Cramps. Journal of Athletic Training (40)2, 71-75

Jung, F. (2017). Das internationale Sportverbandsrecht im Geltungsbereich des europäischen Unions- und Assoziierungsrechts. Von Bosman über Meca-Medina zu Bernard. Beiträge zum Sportrecht, 52, Berlin Duncker u. Humblot GmbH

Junge, Henriksen, Andersen, Byskov, Knudsen & Juul-Kristensen (2016). The association between generalized joint hypermobility and active horizontal shoulder abduction in 10-15 year old competitive swimmers. BMC Sports Science,  Medicine and Rehabilitation (8)19, 1-6

Jungmichel, D. (1979). Zur Belastbarkeit von sehnen, Muskeln und Bändern. Theorie und Praxis des Leistungssports. 3 (17), 89-109

Jukic & Kittler (2015). Achtsamkeit im Leistungssport. Sportpsychologie, Leistungssport 6, 19-23

Imamura et al. (2016). Effects of Saturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, and Carbohydrate on Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Feeding Trials, PLOS medicine; July 19, 2016 ttp://

Inagaki, Madarame, Neya & Ishii (2011).  Increase in serum growth hormone induced by electrical stimulation of muscle combined with blood flow restrictionN.Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(11):2715-21. doi: 10.1007/s00421-011-1899-y. Epub 2011 Mar 12.

Inbar et al. (1981). Conditioning versus work-in-the-heat as methods for acclimatizing 8-10 year old boys to dry heat. J. Appl. Physiol. Respir. Environ. Exerc. Physiol. 406-411

Inder, Swanney, Donald, Prickett & Hellemans (1998). The effect of glycerol and desmopressin on exercise performance and hydration in triathletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (30)8, 1263-1269

Ingthorsson, R. D. (2015). Is competitive elite sport really morally corrupt? Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research (74)1, 5-14

Invernizzi, Longo, Scurati & Michielon (2010). Evaluation of the kinaesthetic differentiation abilities in male and female swimmers. Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Kongressband 324-325

Israel, S. (1964). Die 17-Ketosteroid-Ausscheidung bei extremer Ausdauerbelastung. Theorie und Praxis des Leistungssports (2)8, 57-66

Israel, S. (1976). Die Bewegungskoordination frühzeitig ausbilden. Körpererziehung, 11(26). 501-505

Israel, Buhl, Weidner & Purkopp (1983). Die positive Kreuzadaptation. Medizin und Sport, 23 (1983), 5 , S. 140-148

Israel, S. (1993). Folgen des Sportentzugs – Erkennung und Behebung. Leistungssport 2 (23), 17-20

Israel, S. (1994). Wechselnde Trainingsreize zur Entwicklung der speziellen Leistungsfähigkeit. Leistungssport 5/1994, 5-8

Israel, S. (2004). Muskelaktivität – eine entwicklungsgeschichtlich begründbare Forderung. Dt.Z. für Sportmedizin, 12/2004,  347-350

Issurin, Lustig & Szopa (2006). Die vererbungsbezogene Bestimmung der Trainierbarkeit von Sportler. Leistungssport 2/2006, 51-54

Issurin & Lustig (2008). Zur Identifikation talentierter Sportler: allgemeine Ansätze und praktische Einsichten. Leistungssport (38)4, 4-7

Issurin & Lustig (2007). Zusammenstellung von Trainingseinheiten gemäß dem Konzept der Blockperiodisierung. Leistungssport 3/2007, 29-35

Issurin, Kaufman, Lustig & Tenenbaum (2008). Factors affecting peak performance in the swimming competition of the Athens Olympic Games. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2008 March;48(1):1-8

Issurin, V. B. (2016). Benefits and limitations of block periodized training approaches to athletes‘ preparation: A Review. Sports Medicine (46)3, 329-338

Issurin, V. B. (2019). Biological background of block periodized endurance training: A review (Biologischer Hintergrund der Blockperiodisierung im Ausdauertraining: Ein Überblick). Sports Medicine, 49 (1), 31-39

Issurin, Kaufman & Tenenbaum (2001). Modeling of velocity regiments for anaerobic and aerobic power exercises in high-performance swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (41)4,433-440

Itamar, Schwartz & Melzer (2013). Postural control: differences between youth judokas and swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (53)5, 483-489

Ito & Okuno (2010). Visualization and motion analysis of swimming. Procedia Engineering (2)2, 2851-2856

Ito, Matsumoto & Daisuke Abe (2008). A difference of blood lactate level in freestyle swimming between S-shaped and I-shaped stroke. 1st International Scientific Conference of Aquatic Space Activities. Kongressband 258-263

Izquierdo-Gabarren, González de Txabarri, Expósito, García-Pallarés, Sánchez-Medina, Sáez de Villarrea & Izquierdo (2009). Concurrent Endurance and Strength Training Not To Failure Optimizes Performance Gains. Medicine& Science in Sports & Exercice, 42(6), 1.

Jacobson & Fawcett (2016). Beta2-agonist doping control and optical isomer challenges. Sports Medicine (46)12, 1787-1795

Jaeggi, R. (2005). Entfremdung: Zur Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Problems. Campus-Frankfurt/Main

Jähnig, Wiegand & Wünsch (1973). Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Technik der Sportschwimmarten. Diss. Uni-Halle-Wittenberg

Jaitner, T. (2011). Onlinemonitoring und Trainingssteuerung beim Gruppentraining im Radsport. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft (18)1, 55-70

Jacob, P. (2014). Technikschule. Zweier- oder Dreieratmung? Heft 20/S. 56 (

Jacob, Keyrouz, Bideau, Nicolas, El Hage, Bideau & Zouhal (2015). Pre-exercise hyperventilation can significantly increase performance in the 50-meter front crawl. Science & Sports (30)3, 173-176

Jaffe, Hewit & Costantini (2018). Effects of post-activation potentiation on athletic performance: A mini-review. COJ Technical & Scientific Research (1)2, 1-3

Jahoda & Mitterbauer (2011). ComplexCore: Rumpfstabilisation in Training und Therapie. Salzburg

Jakemann, Byrne & Eston (2010). Efficacy of lower limb compression and compression treatment of manual massage and lower limb compression on symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage in women? J. Strength Cond. Res., 24(11), 3157-3165, 2010

Jakowlew, N.N. (1977). Sportbiochemie. Leipzig: Barth

Janda, V. (1986). Muskelfunktionsdiagnostik. Berlin: Ullstein

Janoschka, Wolfrum, Knechtle, Rüst, Rosemann & Lepers (2014). The effect of 25 m versus 50 m course length on backstroke performance. An analysis of national and international swimmers. Journal of Athletic Enhancement (3)1

Jansen & Engbersen (2017). Have the Olympic Games become more migratory? A comparative historical perspective. Comparative Migration Studies (5)11,1-15

Janssen, J.P. (2001). Persönlichkeit, Leistung und Schicksal von Olympia-Athleten. In: Kaulitz, P. & Haag, H. (Hrsg.). Olympische Idee, Olympische Bewegung, Olympische Spiele – Dimensionen und Perspektiven (S. 129-150). Kiel: Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaften der Universität.

Janssen, P. (2003). Ausdauertraining. Balingen: Spitta

Janssen, R. (2014). Zum Einfluss verschiedener Dehnmethoden auf die Kraftausdauerleistung. Kovac-Hamburg

Janssens, Staes, Dingenen & Daly (2014). Spectrum analysis of wireless electromyography in water and on dry land: A single case example. The Open Sports Sciences Journal (7)1, 198-202

Jansson, Saartok, Werner & Renström (2005). Evaluation of general joint laxity, shoulder laxity and mobility in competitive swimmers during growth and in normal controls. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2005 Jun;15(3):169-76.

Jay, M. (2018). Eine kurze Geschichte der Entfremdung. Soziopolis vom 5.05.2018 (

Jedamsky, A. (2003). Zeitliche Strukturen des langfristigen Aufbaus im Schwimmen. Vortrag Ausbildung Trainer-A, Köln 2003

Jedow, M. (1996). Flexibility in swimming. 4, 18-25

Jekauc & Kittler (2015). Achtsamkeit im Leistungssport. Leistungssport, 6(45), 19-23.

Jendrusch, Oertzen-Hagemann, Bußmann & Platen (2016). Zur visuellen Leistungsfähigkeit von Spitzensportler(inne)n in Deutschland. Optometrie & Fashion; Deutsche Optikerzeitung (71)2, 42-49

Jeschke, D. (Hrsg.) (1984). Stellenwert der Sportmedizin in Medizin und Wissenschaft. Springer 1984

Jessen, Onslev, Lemminger, Backer, Bangsbo & Hostrup (2018). Hypertrophic effect of inhaled beta2-agonist with and without concurrent exercise training: a randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports:

Jeukendup & Jentjens (2000). Oxidation of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: Current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Med., 29. 407-424

Jin, Chen & Hee (2017). A cross-cultural study of the sports happiness perception among Korean, Chinese, and Japanese elite swimming athletes.    International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences (29)2, 128-142

Joch, W. (1995). Strukturmodell einer Theorie des sportlichen Trainings. Leistungssport 4/1995, 6-12

Joch, W. (2001). Das sportliche Talent. Aachen: Meyer

Joch, Fricke & Ückert (2002). Der Einfluss von Kälte auf die sportliche Leistung. Leistungssport 2/2002, 11-15

John, Singh Dhillon & Dhillon (2020). Genetics and the elite athlete: Our understanding in 2020.

Johnson, Sharp & Hedrick (1993). Relationship of Swimming Power and Dryland Power to Sprint Freestyle Performance: A Multiple Regression. Approach, J. Swimming Research 9, 1993, 10-14

Johnson, R. (1998). Tech Tips: To finish or not to finish?…That’s the question. American Swimming Magazine (35)2, 26-28

Johnson, R. (2002). The great debate: Overload or underlod?

Joyce, Minahan, Anderson & Osborne (2012). Acute and chronic loading of sodium bicarbonate in highly trained swimmers. European J. of Applied Physiology (112)2, 461-469

Jones, Bishop, Woods & Green (2008). Cross-sectional area and muscular strength: A brief review. Sports Medicine (38)12, 987-994

Jones, N., Kiely, J., Suraci, B., Collins, D., de Lorenzo, D., Pickering, C., Grimaldi, K. (2016). A genetic-based algorithm for personalized resistance training. Biology of Sport (33)2, 117-126

Jones & Doust (1998). The validity of the lactate minimum test for determination of the maximal lactate steady state. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 30 (8) 1998: 1304 1313

Jones, Glintmeyer & McKenzie (2005). Slim bodies, eating disorders and the coach-athlete relationship – A tale of identity creation and disruption. International Review for the Sociology of Sport (40)3, 377-391

Jordan & Linse (2002). Kräftigen und Dehnen. Aachen: Meyer

Jorgic, Okicic, Aleksandrovic & Madic (2010). Influence of basic and specific motor abilities on swimming results. Acta Kinesiologica (4)2, 73-74

Jornitz, S. (2009). Evidenzbasierte Bildungsforschung. Pädagogische Korrespondenz 40, S. 68-75

Joyce, Sabapathy, Bulmer & Minahan (2013). Effect of long-term oral contraceptive use on determinants of endurance performance. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (27)7, 1891-1896

Juan-Recio, López-Vivancos, Moya, Sarabia & Vera-Garcia (2015). Short-term effect of crunch exercise frequency on abdominal muscle endurance. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (55)4, 280-289

Judge, Lee, Petersen, Bellar, Surber & Krill (2014). The impact of Social Media on the awareness of the Olympic movement. The Sport Journal. Zugriff 20.06.20

Jukic, Castilla, Ramos,  Hooren,  McGuigan & Helms (2023). The acute and chronic effects of implementing velocity loss thresholds during resistance training: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and critical evaluation of the literature Sports Medicine, 53 (1), 177-214. Zugriff am 23.01.2023 unter

Jung, Bishop, Al-Nawwas & Dale (2005). Influence of Hydration and Electrolyte Supplementation on Incidence and Time to Onset of Exercise-Associated Muscle Cramps. Journal of Athletic Training (40)2, 71-75

Jung, F. (2017). Das internationale Sportverbandsrecht im Geltungsbereich des europäischen Unions- und Assoziierungsrechts. Von Bosman über Meca-Medina zu Bernard. Beiträge zum Sportrecht, 52, Berlin Duncker u. Humblot GmbH

Junge, Henriksen, Andersen, Byskov, Knudsen & Juul-Kristensen (2016). The association between generalized joint hypermobility and active horizontal shoulder abduction in 10-15 year old competitive swimmers. BMC Sports Science,  Medicine and Rehabilitation (8)19, 1-6

Jungmichel, D. (1979). Zur Belastbarkeit von sehnen, Muskeln und Bändern. Theorie und Praxis des Leistungssports. 3 (17), 89-109

Jukic & Kittler (2015). Achtsamkeit im Leistungssport. Sportpsychologie, Leistungssport 6, 19-23

Imamura et al. (2016). Effects of Saturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, and Carbohydrate on Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Feeding Trials, PLOS medicine; July 19, 2016 ttp://

Inagaki, Madarame, Neya & Ishii (2011).  Increase in serum growth hormone induced by electrical stimulation of muscle combined with blood flow restrictionN.Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(11):2715-21. doi: 10.1007/s00421-011-1899-y. Epub 2011 Mar 12.

Inbar et al. (1981). Conditioning versus work-in-the-heat as methods for acclimatizing 8-10 year old boys to dry heat. J. Appl. Physiol. Respir. Environ. Exerc. Physiol. 406-411

Inder, Swanney, Donald, Prickett & Hellemans (1998). The effect of glycerol and desmopressin on exercise performance and hydration in triathletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (30)8, 1263-1269

Ingthorsson, R. D. (2015). Is competitive elite sport really morally corrupt? Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research (74)1, 5-14

Invernizzi, Longo, Scurati & Michielon (2010). Evaluation of the kinaesthetic differentiation abilities in male and female swimmers. Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XI, Kongressband 324-325

Israel, S. (1964). Die 17-Ketosteroid-Ausscheidung bei extremer Ausdauerbelastung. Theorie und Praxis des Leistungssports (2)8, 57-66

Israel, S. (1976). Die Bewegungskoordination frühzeitig ausbilden. Körpererziehung, 11(26). 501-505

Israel, Buhl, Weidner & Purkopp (1983). Die positive Kreuzadaptation. Medizin und Sport, 23 (1983), 5 , S. 140-148

Israel, S. (1993). Folgen des Sportentzugs – Erkennung und Behebung. Leistungssport 2 (23), 17-20

Israel, S. (1994). Wechselnde Trainingsreize zur Entwicklung der speziellen Leistungsfähigkeit. Leistungssport 5/1994, 5-8

Israel, S. (2004). Muskelaktivität – eine entwicklungsgeschichtlich begründbare Forderung. Dt.Z. für Sportmedizin, 12/2004,  347-350

Issurin, Lustig & Szopa (2006). Die vererbungsbezogene Bestimmung der Trainierbarkeit von Sportler. Leistungssport 2/2006, 51-54

Issurin & Lustig (2008). Zur Identifikation talentierter Sportler: allgemeine Ansätze und praktische Einsichten. Leistungssport (38)4, 4-7

Issurin & Lustig (2007). Zusammenstellung von Trainingseinheiten gemäß dem Konzept der Blockperiodisierung. Leistungssport 3/2007, 29-35

Issurin, Kaufman, Lustig & Tenenbaum (2008). Factors affecting peak performance in the swimming competition of the Athens Olympic Games. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2008 March;48(1):1-8

Issurin, V. B. (2016). Benefits and limitations of block periodized training approaches to athletes‘ preparation: A Review. Sports Medicine (46)3, 329-338

Issurin, V. B. (2019). Biological background of block periodized endurance training: A review (Biologischer Hintergrund der Blockperiodisierung im Ausdauertraining: Ein Überblick). Sports Medicine, 49 (1), 31-39

Issurin, Kaufman & Tenenbaum (2001). Modeling of velocity regiments for anaerobic and aerobic power exercises in high-performance swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (41)4,433-440

Itamar, Schwartz & Melzer (2013). Postural control: differences between youth judokas and swimmers. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (53)5, 483-489

Ito & Okuno (2010). Visualization and motion analysis of swimming. Procedia Engineering (2)2, 2851-2856

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