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15. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
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Literatur B

05. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
Babic, Macan, Bešlija, Kezic, Tomljanovic, Subaic & Cular (2022). Relative age effect and gender differentiation within sport – a systematic review. Acta Kinesiologica (16)1, 20-29 Baca, A. (2012). Intelligente Bewegungsbetreuung – Einsatzgebiet von Ubiquitous-Computing-Technologien mit hohem Potential. 13. Frühjahrsschule „Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der angewandten Trainingswissenschaft“ am 13./14. April 2011 in Leipzig, IAT-Leipzig, 88-101 Badenhorst, ...

Literatur C

15. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
Caen et al. (2021). Ramp vs. step tests: valid alternatives to determine the maximal lactate steady-state intensity? European Journal of Applied Physiology (12197, 1899-1917 Caeppert, Franciosi & Langerhans (1992). Indirect calculation of mechanical and propelling efficiency during freestyle swimming. In: MacLaern, Reilly, Lees eds.: Swimming science VI: Biomechanics and medicine in swimming. London, 53-56 Cai, ...

Literatur D

25. März 2024 Literatur 0
Daaloul, Souissi & Davenne (2019). Effects of napping on alertness, cognitive, and physical outcomes of karate athletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (51)2, 338-345 Daland, P. (  ).  Distance base: key to every event. Swimming world, Dalichau & Scheele (2001). The influence of competitive swimming on spinal configuration and postural capacity. Book of ...

Literatur E

26. Oktober 2023 Literatur 0
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Literatur F

15. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
Faigenbaum, Kraemer, Blimkie, Jeffreys, Micheli, Nitka & Rowland (2009). Youth resistance training: Updated position statement paper from the national strength and conditioning association. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Aug; 23(5 Suppl): S60-79 Fairchild, Armstrong, Rao, Liu, Lawrence & Fournier (2003). Glycogen synthesis in muscle fibres during active recovery from intense exercise. Medicine & Science in ...

Literatur G

15. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
Gabbett, T. J. (2020). How much? How fast? How soon? Three simple concepts for progressing training loads to minimize injury risk and enhance performance. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 50 (10), 570-573. Zugriff am 03.11.2020 unter – Zugriff 22.01.23 Gabler, H. (1972). Leistungsmotivation im Hochleistungssport. Schorndorf: Hofmann Gabler, H. (2002). Motive im ...

Literatur H

15. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
Haar, B. (2011). Analyse und Prognose von Trainingswirkungen: multivariate Zeitreihenanalyse mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen. Diss. Uni-Stuttgart Hacker, W. (2005). Allgemeine Arbeitspsychologie. Psychische Regulation von Wissens-, Denk- und körperlicher Arbeit (2. Aufl.), Hans Huber-Bern Hacker & Richter (1984). Psychische Fehlbeanspruchung: Psychische Ermüdung, Monotonie, Sättigung und Stress (Spezielle Arbeits- und Ingenieurpsychologie in Einzeldarstellungen, Bd. 2, Berlin: Springer ...

Literatur I-J

11. Dezember 2023 Literatur 0
Ikai & Fukunaga (1968). Calculation of muscle strength per unit cross-sectional area of human muscle by means of ultrasonic measurement. Int Z Angew Physiol. (26)1,26–32 Ikeda, Ichikawa, Nara, Baba & Shimoyama (2017). Does installation of the backstroke start device reduce 15-m start time in swimming. Journal of Sports Sciences (35)1, 189-195 Imamura et al. (2016). ...

Literatur K

15. Juni 2024 Literatur 0
Kabanov, Venskovich, Trushchenko & Koloshkina (2019). Sensitive periods in human ontogenesis. Theory and Practice of Physical Culture 12/2019,13-15 (online Version) Kainz, Carty, Modenese, Boyd & Lloyd (2015). Estimation of the hip joint centre in human motion analysis: A systematic review. Clinical Biomechanics (30)4, 319-329 Kaland, C. (2019). Nedsatt total treningsmengde, men opprettholdt mengde høyintensiv aerob ...